It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Marcus Smith converts the try.
England are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Chandler Cunningham-South picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
Jack van Poortvliet sets up the try.
Marcus Smith has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by England is finished off by Henry Pollock
This is dangerous for the defence as Henry Pollock bursts through to advance the England attack.
Spellbinding play by George Ford is finished off with a try.
Jarrod Evans has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Wales is finished off by Ben Thomas
This is dangerous for the defence as Ben Thomas bursts through to advance the Wales attack.
Spellbinding play by Jarrod Evans is finished off with a try.
The England supporters go wild as Marcus Smith successfully kicks the conversion.
A series of passes by England results in a try for Joe Heyes
That's a great try assist by Tom Willis.
A gap opened in the defence and Tom Willis took full advantage.
England make a substitution with Jack van Poortvliet coming on.
England make a substitution with Alex Mitchell coming off.
The England supporters go wild as Marcus Smith successfully kicks the conversion.
Great hands by England leads to a try for Henry Pollock
The defensive line has been broken as Henry Pollock goes through the gap.
George Ford sets up the try.
Wales sub Rhodri Williams comes onto the field.
Tomos Williams departs for Wales.
England sub Fin Baxter comes onto the field.
Ellis Genge departs for England.
The defensive line has been broken as Joe Roberts goes through the gap.
Tom Willis comes on for England.
Ben Curry leaves the field.
Nick Tompkins comes on for Wales.
Max Llewellyn leaves the field.
George Ford comes on for England.
Fin Smith leaves the field.
The touch judges raise their flags as Fin Smith kicks the conversion.
Alex Mitchell scores! That alone was worth the admission price!!!
What a run here by Alex Mitchell as they get over the gainline!
Taulupe Faletau comes off.
England decide to make a substitution, with Henry Pollock getting some game time.
England decide to make a substitution, with Tommy Freeman being replaced.
Wales decide to make a substitution, with Jarrod Evans getting some game time.
Wales decide to make a substitution, with Gareth Anscombe being replaced.
Wales decide to make a substitution, with Teddy Williams getting some game time.
Wales decide to make a substitution, with Will Rowlands being replaced.
England decide to make a substitution, with Joe Heyes getting some game time.
England decide to make a substitution, with Will Stuart being replaced.
England decide to make a substitution, with Jamie George getting some game time.
England decide to make a substitution, with Luke Cowan-Dickie being replaced.
Wales make a substitution with Keiron Assiratti coming on.
Wales make a substitution with WillGriff John coming off.
Wales sub Dewi Lake comes onto the field.
Elliot Dee departs for Wales.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
England go for goal with Fin Smith taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
The pick and go results in a try for England as Will Stuart goes over.
That's a great try assist by Alex Mitchell.
Fabulous play by England has led to Fraser Dingwall being able to wriggle through a gap.
Fin Smith does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The pick and go results in a try for England as Chandler Cunningham-South goes over.
That's a great try assist by Alex Mitchell.
Fabulous play by Wales has led to Joe Roberts being able to wriggle through a gap.
Fin Smith does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Incisive passing by England is finished off by Tommy Freeman, as they goes over for the try.
Fabulous play by England has led to Tommy Freeman being able to wriggle through a gap.
Fin Smith sets up the try.
Gareth Anscombe does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The pressure has finally told as Ben Thomas scores from close range.
Trouble here as Ben Thomas breaches the defence.
Spellbinding play by Tomos Williams is finished off with a try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Blair Murray bursts through to advance the Wales attack.
England make a substitution with Chandler Cunningham-South coming on.
England make a substitution with Ollie Chessum coming off.
Fin Smith converts the try.
A series of passes by England results in a try for Tom Roebuck
Fin Smith played a key part in that try.
Fin Smith has kicked a conversion.
England are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Maro Itoje touching down.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.