
Another chance to secure a spot in 2024 Comrades Marathon

motorsport18 March 2024 07:00| © SuperSport
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© SuperSport

With 85 days to race day, aspirant Comrades 2024 participants now have another chance to secure their spot on the start line of The Ultimate Human Race on Sunday, 9 June 2024.

Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) Race & Operations Manager, Ann Ashworth said: “Athletes who were unable to enter the race during the official entry period now have another opportunity to be part of the world’s greatest footrace, thanks to the substitution process.”

The substitution window period will run from 15 March 2024 to 15 April 2024.

How it works:

Entrants who have successfully entered the 2024 Comrades Marathon will have the opportunity to withdraw from the race during the window period of 15 - 29 March 2024. A 15 per cent administration fee will be charged to withdrawing entrants who will receive an 85 per cent refund of the entry fee.

Entry slots that have been made available by withdrawing entrants will then be made available on a first come first served basis to individuals wanting to enter the event from 1 April 2024 through the Comrades website until 15 April. Entrants making use of a substituted entry will pay the same entry fee as participants who entered during the initial entry period.

No late substitutions will be accepted. No money or vouchers may be exchanged between athletes. The entire substitution process is managed by the CMA office.

Entrants who successfully substitute out of the race during the substitution period will not be allowed to reinstate their original entries.
