
England's Carse given three-month cricket ban for betting offences

olympics31 May 2024 17:00| © AFP
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Brydon Carse © Getty Images

England paceman Brydon Carse has been banned from all cricket for three months for betting violations, it was announced on Friday

The 28-year-old, who was called into England's 50-over World Cup squad six months ago, was given a 16-month sanction –- 13 months of which have been suspended -– following an anti-corruption investigation by the English game's Cricket Regulator.

Carse, who signed an England central contract in October, accepted the charges of placing 303 bets on various cricket matches between 2017 and 2019, though not on games in which he was playing.

As a result, the Durham quick still contravened integrity rules meaning no "professional participant" (player, coach or other support staff) is permitted to bet on any cricket anywhere in the world.

South Africa-born Carse, a veteran of 17 white-ball internationals for England, will now be suspended immediately from playing in any cricket until 28 August.

But provided he does not commit any further anti-corruption offences over the next two years, Carse will not face any further sanctions.
