It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
A gap opened in the defence and Evan Lloyd took full advantage.
Angus O'Brien has kicked a conversion.
Aki Seiuli scores the try from close range.
A gap opened in the defence and Morgan Lloyd took full advantage.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Ben Thomas getting some game time.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Rory Jennings being replaced.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Seb Davies getting some game time.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Josh McNally being replaced.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Rory Jennings coming on.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Ben Thomas coming off.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Rhys Litterick coming on.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Keiron Assiratti coming off.
The Dragons RFC supporters go wild as Angus O'Brien successfully kicks the conversion.
A stunning solo try from Morgan Lloyd
The defensive line has been broken as Morgan Lloyd goes through the gap.
Cardiff Rugby sub Evan Lloyd comes onto the field.
Dafydd Hughes departs for Cardiff Rugby.
Dragons RFC sub Rio Dyer comes onto the field.
Huw Anderson departs for Dragons RFC.
Dragons RFC sub James Benjamin comes onto the field.
Brodie Coghlan departs for Dragons RFC.
Dragons RFC sub Joseph Davies comes onto the field.
George Nott departs for Dragons RFC.
Ellis Bevan comes on for Cardiff Rugby.
Aled Davies leaves the field.
Dmitri Arhip comes on for Dragons RFC.
Chris Coleman leaves the field.
Aki Seiuli comes on for Dragons RFC.
Rodrigo Martinez leaves the field.
Rhodri Williams comes off.
Shane Lewis-Hughes comes off.
The touch judges raise their flags as Callum Sheedy kicks the conversion.
Slick passing by Cardiff Rugby leads to a try for Rey Lee-Lo.
Rey Lee-Lo makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Thomas Young sets up the try.
Dragons RFC decide to make a substitution, with Aaron Wainwright getting some game time.
Dragons RFC decide to make a substitution, with James Benjamin being replaced.
Rey Lee-Lo makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Teddy Williams makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Callum Sheedy adds the two points for Cardiff Rugby.
Slick passing by Cardiff Rugby leads to a try for Callum Sheedy.
Callum Sheedy makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Cameron Winnett played a key part in that try.
Josh Adams makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Callum Sheedy adds the two points for Cardiff Rugby.
Slick passing by Cardiff Rugby leads to a try for Harri Millard.
Harri Millard makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Ben Thomas played a key part in that try.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with James Benjamin coming on.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with Aaron Wainwright coming off.
Brodie Coghlan (Dragons RFC) is shown a yellow card
Fabulous play by Cardiff Rugby has led to Harri Millard being able to wriggle through a gap.
Josh McNally (Cardiff Rugby) is shown a yellow card
Callum Sheedy does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The pressure has finally told as Alex Mann scores from close range.
Spellbinding play by Dafydd Hughes is finished off with a try.
The touch judges raise their flags as Angus O'Brien kicks the penalty goal.
Angus O'Brien adds the points for Dragons RFC.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Alex Mann getting some game time.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Ben Donnell being replaced.
Penalty Goal - Missed Left
The touch judges have waved away the attempt by Angus O'Brien as they hook it left.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with Harry Wilson coming on.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with Joe Westwood coming off.
Angus O'Brien makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
Cardiff Rugby sub Corey Domachowski comes onto the field.
Ed Byrne departs for Cardiff Rugby.
Callum Sheedy kicks the penalty.
The defensive line has been broken as Teddy Williams goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Taine Basham goes through the gap.
Penalty Goal - Missed Right
Angus O'Brien steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the right.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.