It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Pierre Popelin has kicked a conversion.
What a kick! Remy Baget takes full advantage to score for Castres Olympique.
This is dangerous for the defence as Remy Baget bursts through to advance the Castres Olympique attack.
Spellbinding play by Pierre Popelin is finished off with a try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Adrien Seguret bursts through to advance the Castres Olympique attack.
Pierre Popelin has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Castres Olympique is finished off by Jack Goodhue
Theo Chabouni played a key part in that try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Pierre Colonna bursts through to advance the Castres Olympique attack.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Simon Meka getting some game time.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Abraham Papali'i being replaced.
Pierre Popelin curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right.
A bit of individual brilliance by Remy Baget leads to a try for Castres Olympique
Pierre Popelin has kicked a conversion.
A series of passes by Castres Olympique results in a try for Julien Dumora
A gap opened in the defence and Julien Dumora took full advantage.
That's a great try assist by Theo Chabouni.
Castres Olympique make a substitution with Adrien Seguret coming on.
Castres Olympique make a substitution with Vilimoni Botitu coming off.
A gap opened in the defence and Julien Dumora took full advantage.
Bulls make a substitution with Cornel Smit coming on.
Bulls make a substitution with Katlego Letebele coming off.
Bulls make a substitution with Joe van Zyl coming on.
Bulls make a substitution with Jan-Hendrik Wessels coming off.
Castres Olympique sub Santiago Arata comes onto the field.
Jeremy Fernandez departs for Castres Olympique.
Castres Olympique sub Pierre Colonna comes onto the field.
Gaetan Barlot departs for Castres Olympique.
The Castres Olympique supporters go wild as Jeremy Fernandez successfully kicks the conversion.
Castres Olympique are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Remy Baget touching down.
The defensive line has been broken as Mathieu Babillot goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Pierre Popelin goes through the gap.
Keagan Johannes comes on for Bulls.
Bernard van der Linde leaves the field.
Jeremy Fernandez adds the points for Castres Olympique.
Jaco van der Walt does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
Florent Vanverberghe comes off.
Aphiwe Dyantyi makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Theo Chabouni getting some game time.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Geoffrey Palis being replaced.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Jaco van der Walt getting some game time.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Boeta Chamberlain being replaced.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Nicolas Corato getting some game time.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Levan Chilachava being replaced.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Deon Slabbert getting some game time.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Sintu Manjezi being replaced.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Sebastian Lombard getting some game time.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Mornay Smith being replaced.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Lois Guerois-Galisson getting some game time.
Castres Olympique decide to make a substitution, with Antoine Tichit being replaced.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Corne Beets getting some game time.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Nama Xaba being replaced.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Dylan Smith getting some game time.
Bulls decide to make a substitution, with Alulutho Tshakweni being replaced.
Jeremy Fernandez makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
Bulls make a substitution with Cornel Smit coming on.
Bulls make a substitution with Chris Smit coming off.
Abraham Papali'i makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Fabulous play by Castres Olympique has led to Remy Baget being able to wriggle through a gap.
The Castres Olympique supporters go wild as Jeremy Fernandez successfully kicks the penalty goal.
This is dangerous for the defence as Remy Baget bursts through to advance the Castres Olympique attack.
This is dangerous for the defence as Henry Immelman bursts through to advance the Bulls attack.
Jeremy Fernandez converts the try.
A wonderful passing move by Castres Olympique is finished off by Geoffrey Palis
This is dangerous for the defence as Geoffrey Palis bursts through to advance the Castres Olympique attack.
Vilimoni Botitu sets up the try.
Boeta Chamberlain has kicked a conversion.
The Bulls pack has powered over for Jan-Hendrik Wessels to score the try.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.