It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Matthieu Jalibert has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Union Bordeaux-Begles is finished off by Jacques Nguimbous
This is dangerous for the defence as Jacques Nguimbous bursts through to advance the Union Bordeaux-Begles attack.
Spellbinding play by Damian Penaud is finished off with a try.
Jefferson Poirot comes on.
Matthieu Jalibert has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Union Bordeaux-Begles is finished off by Damian Penaud
Matthieu Jalibert played a key part in that try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Matthieu Jalibert bursts through to advance the Union Bordeaux-Begles attack.
This is dangerous for the defence as Siya Kolisi bursts through to advance the Sharks attack.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Marko Gazzotti getting some game time.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Tevita Tatafu being replaced.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Pablo Uberti getting some game time.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Maxime Lucu being replaced.
Matthieu Jalibert curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right.
What a kick! Damian Penaud takes full advantage to score for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
A gap opened in the defence and Damian Penaud took full advantage.
That's a great try assist by Matthieu Jalibert.
The Union Bordeaux-Begles supporters go wild as Matthieu Jalibert successfully kicks the conversion.
A stunning solo try from Damian Penaud
The defensive line has been broken as Damian Penaud goes through the gap.
Sharks make a substitution with Dylan Richardson coming on.
Sharks make a substitution with Phepsi Buthelezi coming off.
The defensive line has been broken as Matthieu Jalibert goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Grant Williams goes through the gap.
Union Bordeaux-Begles sub Lachlan Swinton comes onto the field.
Bastien Vergnes Taillefer departs for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
Union Bordeaux-Begles sub Tevita Tatafu comes onto the field.
Marko Gazzotti departs for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
Sharks sub Bradley Davids comes onto the field.
Jurenzo Julius departs for Sharks.
What a run here by Rohan Janse van Rensburg as they get over the gainline!
Hanro Jacobs comes on for Sharks.
Trevor Nyakane leaves the field.
Ox Nche comes on for Sharks.
Ntuthuko Mchunu leaves the field.
Jaden Hendrikse comes on.
Bongi Mbonambi comes off.
Rohan Janse van Rensburg comes on.
Nicolas Depoortere comes off.
Jacques Nguimbous comes on.
Alexandre Ricard comes off.
The touch judges raise their flags as Matthieu Jalibert kicks the conversion.
Nothing was going to stop Yoram Moefana from scoring as they record the try for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
What a run here by Yoram Moefana as they get over the gainline!
That's a great try assist by Maxime Lamothe.
What a run here by Damian Penaud as they get over the gainline!
The touch judges raise their flags as Matthieu Jalibert kicks the conversion.
The defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Ugo Boniface dots the ball down from close range.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Ugo Boniface getting some game time.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Jefferson Poirot being replaced.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Maxime Lamothe getting some game time.
Union Bordeaux-Begles decide to make a substitution, with Connor Sa being replaced.
Sharks decide to make a substitution, with Jeandre Labuschagne getting some game time.
Sharks decide to make a substitution, with Corne Rahl being replaced.
Matthieu Jalibert adds the two points for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
Slick passing by Union Bordeaux-Begles leads to a try for Maxime Lucu.
Damian Penaud played a key part in that try.
Damian Penaud makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Union Bordeaux-Begles make a substitution with Mahamadou Diaby coming on.
Union Bordeaux-Begles make a substitution with Tevita Tatafu coming off.
Union Bordeaux-Begles make a substitution with Marko Gazzotti coming on.
Union Bordeaux-Begles make a substitution with Mahamadou Diaby coming off.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Matthieu Jalibert adds the two points for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
The pick and go results in a try for Union Bordeaux-Begles as Damian Penaud goes over.
That's a great try assist by Maxime Lucu.
Union Bordeaux-Begles sub Mahamadou Diaby comes onto the field.
Marko Gazzotti departs for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
Union Bordeaux-Begles sub Bastien Vergnes Taillefer comes onto the field.
Maxime Lamothe departs for Union Bordeaux-Begles.
Bastien Vergnes Taillefer comes off.
Connor Sa (Union Bordeaux-Begles) is shown a yellow card
Sharks decide to make a substitution, with Lukhanyo Am getting some game time.
Sharks decide to make a substitution, with Hakeem Kunene being replaced.
Matthieu Jalibert converts the try.
An interception by Damian Penaud allows them to race away to score.
This is dangerous for the defence as Damian Penaud bursts through to advance the Union Bordeaux-Begles attack.
This is dangerous for the defence as Jurenzo Julius bursts through to advance the Sharks attack.
A gap opened in the defence and Arthur Retiere took full advantage.
Matthieu Jalibert will not be happy with that conversion attempt, as they had the direction but not the power.
A series of passes by Union Bordeaux-Begles results in a try for Damian Penaud
A gap opened in the defence and Damian Penaud took full advantage.
Spellbinding play by Joey Carbery is finished off with a try.
Hakeem Kunene (Sharks) is shown a yellow card
A gap opened in the defence and Arthur Retiere took full advantage.
Siya Masuku has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
Great hands by Sharks leads to a try for Hakeem Kunene
The defensive line has been broken as Hakeem Kunene goes through the gap.
That's a great try assist by Siya Masuku.
The defensive line has been broken as Trevor Nyakane goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Damian Penaud goes through the gap.
Siya Masuku has kicked a conversion.
Great hands by Sharks leads to a try for Siya Masuku
The defensive line has been broken as Siya Masuku goes through the gap.
Jurenzo Julius sets up the try.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.