It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Thabo Ndimande comes off.
Sean Swart (Griquas) is shown a yellow card
Lubabalo Dobela has kicked a penalty goal.
Griquas make a substitution with Hanru Sirgel coming on.
Griquas make a substitution with Niel Otto coming off.
The Griquas supporters go wild as Lubabalo Dobela successfully kicks the penalty goal.
Griquas sub Niel Otto comes onto the field.
Hanru Sirgel departs for Griquas.
Golden Lions sub Rhynardt Rijnsburger comes onto the field.
Morgan Naude departs for Golden Lions.
Golden Lions sub Ruan Smith comes onto the field.
Asenathi Ntlabakanye departs for Golden Lions.
Justin Forwood comes on for Griquas.
Janu Botha leaves the field.
Dylan Sjoblom comes on for Griquas.
Albert Liebenberg leaves the field.
George Whitehead comes on for Griquas.
Ashlon Davids leaves the field.
Eddie Davids comes on for Griquas.
Cebo Dlamini leaves the field.
Sean Swart comes on for Griquas.
Janco Uys leaves the field.
Nico Steyn comes on for Golden Lions.
Morne van den Berg leaves the field.
The touch judges raise their flags as Tiaan Swanepoel kicks the conversion.
Nothing was going to stop Morne Brandon from scoring as they record the try for Golden Lions.
Morgan Naude comes on for Golden Lions.
Rhynardt Rijnsburger leaves the field.
Morne Brandon comes on for Golden Lions.
Jaco Visagie leaves the field.
Tiaan Swanepoel adds the two points for Golden Lions.
The defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as JC Pretorius dots the ball down from close range.
Golden Lions make a substitution with Tyler Bocks coming on.
Golden Lions make a substitution with Vaughen Isaacs coming off.
Golden Lions sub Ruhan Straeuli comes onto the field.
Travis Gordon departs for Golden Lions.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Fabulous play by Griquas has led to Thabo Ndimande being able to wriggle through a gap.
The ball swings towards the posts but floats to the right, Lubabalo Dobela will have to re-adjust the radar.
Silky skills by Griquas ends with a try for Johan Mulder.
Spellbinding play by Hanru Sirgel is finished off with a try.
Trouble here as Hanru Sirgel breaches the defence.
Tiaan Swanepoel comes on.
Gianni Lombard comes off.
This is dangerous for the defence as Lubabalo Dobela bursts through to advance the Griquas attack.
The referee has had enough, awarding the penalty try to Golden Lions.
Sako Makata (Griquas) is shown a yellow card
Lubabalo Dobela converts the try.
Hanru Sirgel scores the try from close range.
A gap opened in the defence and Rosko Specman took full advantage.
Lubabalo Dobela has kicked a conversion.
Great hands by Griquas leads to a try for Jay-Cee Nel
The defensive line has been broken as Jay-Cee Nel goes through the gap.
Tertius Kruger sets up the try.
The defensive line has been broken as Thabo Ndimande goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.