It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
This is dangerous for the defence as Rory Scannell bursts through to advance the Munster Rugby attack.
Will Reed has kicked a conversion.
A series of passes by Dragons RFC results in a try for Dane Blacker
Harry Wilson played a key part in that try.
A gap opened in the defence and Harry Wilson took full advantage.
A gap opened in the defence and Diarmuid Barron took full advantage.
Munster Rugby make a substitution with Kieran Ryan coming on.
Munster Rugby make a substitution with Dian Bleuler coming off.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with Will Reed coming on.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with Lloyd Evans coming off.
The Dragons RFC supporters go wild as Lloyd Evans successfully kicks the conversion.
Harry Wilson scores the try from close range.
Dane Blacker sets up the try.
The defensive line has been broken as Harry Wilson goes through the gap.
Munster Rugby sub Danny Sheahan comes onto the field.
Ethan Coughlan departs for Munster Rugby.
The defensive line has been broken as Ethan Coughlan goes through the gap.
Dragons RFC sub Paula Latu comes onto the field.
Chris Coleman departs for Dragons RFC.
Munster Rugby sub Evan O'Connell comes onto the field.
Fineen Wycherley departs for Munster Rugby.
What a run here by Dane Blacker as they get over the gainline!
Brian Gleeson comes on for Munster Rugby.
Billy Burns leaves the field.
The touch judges raise their flags as Tony Butler kicks the conversion.
Nothing was going to stop John Hodnett from scoring as they record the try for Munster Rugby.
Brodie Coghlan comes off.
Alex Kendellen comes off.
Paddy Patterson comes on.
Dragons RFC decide to make a substitution, with Barny Langton getting some game time.
Dragons RFC decide to make a substitution, with Ryan Woodman being replaced.
The ball swings towards the posts but floats to the right, Lloyd Evans will have to re-adjust the radar.
The pick and go results in a try for Dragons RFC as Chris Coleman goes over.
Munster Rugby make a substitution with John Ryan coming on.
Munster Rugby make a substitution with Oli Jager coming off.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with Dane Blacker coming on.
Dragons RFC make a substitution with Morgan Lloyd coming off.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Dragons RFC sub Harry Wilson comes onto the field.
Harri Ackerman departs for Dragons RFC.
Fabulous play by Munster Rugby has led to Diarmuid Kilgallen being able to wriggle through a gap.
The left post denies Tony Butler from adding the extras.
The pressure has finally told as Dian Bleuler scores from close range.
Ethan Coughlan sets up the try.
Trouble here as Gavin Coombes breaches the defence.
Trouble here as Diarmuid Kilgallen breaches the defence.
Munster Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Tony Butler getting some game time.
Munster Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Tom Farrell being replaced.
The referee has had enough, awarding the penalty try to Munster Rugby.
Lloyd Evans (Dragons RFC) is shown a yellow card
Billy Burns converts the try.
A wonderful passing move by Munster Rugby is finished off by Ben O'Connor
Alex Kendellen sets up the try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Shane Daly bursts through to advance the Munster Rugby attack.
Billy Burns converts the try.
A series of passes by Munster Rugby results in a try for Alex Kendellen
Gavin Coombes sets up the try.
A gap opened in the defence and Gavin Coombes took full advantage.
Dylan Kelleher-Griffiths comes on for Dragons RFC.
Rodrigo Martinez leaves the field.
The defensive line has been broken as Gavin Coombes goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Jack O'Donoghue goes through the gap.
Billy Burns has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
Great hands by Munster Rugby leads to a try for Diarmuid Kilgallen
Thomas Ahern sets up the try.
The defensive line has been broken as Thomas Ahern goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.