It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Penalty Goal - Missed Right
Ruan Pienaar has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts.
Chriswill September comes off.
Marnus van der Merwe comes on.
Louis van der Westhuizen comes off.
Ruan Pienaar has kicked a conversion.
A series of passes by Free State Cheetahs results in a try for Daniel Kasende
A gap opened in the defence and Daniel Kasende took full advantage.
Ruan Pienaar played a key part in that try.
Pumas decide to make a substitution, with Simon Raw getting some game time.
Pumas decide to make a substitution, with IG Prinsloo being replaced.
Pumas make a substitution with Llewellyn Classen coming on.
Pumas make a substitution with Eduan Swart coming off.
Free State Cheetahs make a substitution with David Brits coming on.
Free State Cheetahs make a substitution with Robert Ebersohn coming off.
Pumas make a substitution with Andre Fouche coming on.
Pumas make a substitution with Phumzile Maqondwana coming off.
Penalty Goal - Missed Right
Eddie Fouche takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
Eddie Fouche adds the points for Pumas.
The defensive line has been broken as Eduan Swart goes through the gap.
Rewan Kruger comes on for Free State Cheetahs.
The touch judges raise their flags as Ruan Pienaar kicks the conversion.
Nothing was going to stop Louis van der Westhuizen from scoring as they record the try for Free State Cheetahs.
George Lourens leaves the field.
Gideon van der Merwe comes off.
Phumzile Maqondwana (Pumas) is shown a yellow card
Rynier Bernardo comes off.
Alulutho Tshakweni comes on.
Schalk Ferreira comes off.
Clayton Blommetjies comes on.
Aranos Coetzee comes off.
The touch judges raise their flags as Eddie Fouche kicks the conversion.
Nothing was going to stop Eduan Swart from scoring as they record the try for Pumas.
Ruan Pienaar adds the two points for Free State Cheetahs.
The defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Gideon van der Merwe dots the ball down from close range.
The ball swings towards the posts but floats to the right, Eddie Fouche will have to re-adjust the radar.
A clever kick there by Devon Williams allows Devon Williams to collect the ball and touch down for the try.
Eddie Fouche played a key part in that try.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Eddie Fouche does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Brilliant skill shown there by Tinus de Beer as they go over the white wash for a try.
Trouble here as Tinus de Beer breaches the defence.
Drop Goal - Missed Left
Tinus de Beer looks to land a drop goal, but it misses sailing past the left handside of the posts.
Ruan Pienaar converts the try.
Nobody could stop that maul! Louis van der Westhuizen places the ball down for the try.
A gap opened in the defence and Chris Smit took full advantage.
Eddie Fouche has kicked a conversion.
A stunning solo try from Devon Williams
The defensive line has been broken as Devon Williams goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.