It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
This is dangerous for the defence as Ben Thomas bursts through to advance the Cardiff Rugby attack.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Cameron Winnett getting some game time.
Cardiff Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Rey Lee-Lo being replaced.
Connacht Rugby make a substitution with Eoin de Buitlear coming on.
Connacht Rugby make a substitution with Dave Heffernan coming off.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Rory Thornton coming on.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Thomas Young coming off.
The Connacht Rugby supporters go wild as JJ Hanrahan successfully kicks the conversion.
Great hands by Connacht Rugby leads to a try for Matthew Devine
Cian Prendergast sets up the try.
The defensive line has been broken as Cian Prendergast goes through the gap.
Connacht Rugby sub Jordan Duggan comes onto the field.
Peter Dooley departs for Connacht Rugby.
Connacht Rugby sub JJ Hanrahan comes onto the field.
Santiago Cordero departs for Connacht Rugby.
Connacht Rugby sub David O'Connor comes onto the field.
Joe Joyce departs for Connacht Rugby.
The defensive line has been broken as Gabriel Hamer-Webb goes through the gap.
Johan Mulder comes on for Cardiff Rugby.
Ellis Bevan leaves the field.
Rhys Litterick comes on for Cardiff Rugby.
Keiron Assiratti leaves the field.
Efan Daniel comes on for Cardiff Rugby.
Evan Lloyd leaves the field.
Danny Southworth comes on for Cardiff Rugby.
Rhys Barratt leaves the field.
Jack Aungier comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Finlay Bealham leaves the field.
Matthew Devine comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Ben Murphy leaves the field.
Ben Thomas has hooked the conversion to the left of the posts.
A penetrating move by Cardiff Rugby results in a try for Thomas Young.
Ellis Bevan played a key part in that try.
What a run here by Thomas Young as they get over the gainline!
David Hawkshaw comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Chay Mullins leaves the field.
Sean Jansen comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Conor Oliver leaves the field.
The touch judges raise their flags as Josh Ioane kicks the conversion.
A penetrating move by Connacht Rugby results in a try for Byron Ralston.
What a run here by Byron Ralston as they get over the gainline!
That's a great try assist by Santiago Cordero.
Penalty Goal - Hit Left Post
Josh Ioane can consider themself unlucky as they see the ball hit the left upright and bounce away.
What a run here by Josh Ioane as they get over the gainline!
Ben Thomas adds the two points for Cardiff Rugby.
Nobody was going to stop Thomas Young from scoring that try!
Thomas Young makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Conor Oliver (Connacht Rugby) is shown a yellow card
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Josh Ioane does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The pick and go results in a try for Connacht Rugby as Joe Joyce goes over.
Fabulous play by Connacht Rugby has led to Bundee Aki being able to wriggle through a gap.
Fabulous play by Connacht Rugby has led to Chay Mullins being able to wriggle through a gap.
Ben Thomas converts the try.
Cardiff Rugby are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Evan Lloyd picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Rhys Barratt bursts through to advance the Cardiff Rugby attack.
Josh Ioane converts the try.
A series of passes by Connacht Rugby results in a try for Josh Murphy
A gap opened in the defence and Josh Murphy took full advantage.
Spellbinding play by Bundee Aki is finished off with a try.
A gap opened in the defence and Santiago Cordero took full advantage.
A gap opened in the defence and Thomas Young took full advantage.
A gap opened in the defence and Josh Ioane took full advantage.
The defensive line has been broken as Gabriel Hamer-Webb goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.