It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Rhyno Smith converts the try.
Silky skills by Benetton Rugby ends with a try for Leonardo Marin.
Trouble here as Leonardo Marin breaches the defence.
That's a great try assist by Tomas Albornoz.
Leonardo Marin comes on for Benetton Rugby.
Tommaso Menoncello leaves the field.
Fetuli Paea (Zebre Parma) is shown a yellow card
Penalty Goal - Missed Left
The touch judges have waved away the attempt by Rhyno Smith as they hook it left.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Filippo Drago coming on.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Giulio Bertaccini coming off.
Benetton Rugby make a substitution with Thomas Gallo coming on.
Benetton Rugby make a substitution with Manuel Zuliani coming off.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Thomas Dominguez coming on.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Gonzalo Garcia coming off.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Luca Bigi coming on.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Tommaso Di Bartolomeo coming off.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Luca Rizzoli coming on.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Danilo Fischetti coming off.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Ion Neculai coming on.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Muhamed Hasa coming off.
The Benetton Rugby supporters go wild as Rhyno Smith successfully kicks the conversion.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Samuele Locatelli coming on.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Giacomo Ferrari coming off.
Great hands by Benetton Rugby leads to a try for Juan Ignacio Brex
Louis Lynagh sets up the try.
The defensive line has been broken as Juan Ignacio Brex goes through the gap.
Zebre Parma sub Giovanni Montemauri comes onto the field.
Giacomo Da Re departs for Zebre Parma.
Alessandro Izekor (Benetton Rugby) is shown a yellow card
Juan Ignacio Brex comes on for Benetton Rugby.
Malakai Fekitoa leaves the field.
Andy Uren comes on for Benetton Rugby.
Alessandro Garbisi leaves the field.
Matteo Canali comes on for Zebre Parma.
Andrea Zambonin leaves the field.
Mirco Spagnolo (Benetton Rugby) is shown the red card
What a run here by Louis Lynagh as they get over the gainline!
Simone Gesi makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Lorenzo Cannone getting some game time.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Michele Lamaro being replaced.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Mirco Spagnolo getting some game time.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Thomas Gallo being replaced.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Riccardo Favretto getting some game time.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Federico Ruzza being replaced.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Simone Ferrari getting some game time.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Giosue Zilocchi being replaced.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Agustin Creevy getting some game time.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Siua Maile being replaced.
Geronimo Prisciantelli has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
Slick passing by Zebre Parma leads to a try for Simone Gesi.
Simone Gesi makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Spellbinding play by Fetuli Paea is finished off with a try.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
The ball swings towards the posts but floats to the right, Rhyno Smith will have to re-adjust the radar.
The pick and go results in a try for Benetton Rugby as Siua Maile goes over.
Trouble here as Giulio Bertaccini breaches the defence.
Penalty Goal - Missed Right
Giacomo Da Re has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts.
Rhyno Smith curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
Benetton Rugby are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Siua Maile picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Rhyno Smith getting some game time.
Benetton Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Leonardo Marin being replaced.
Giacomo Da Re makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
A wonderful passing move by Zebre Parma is finished off by Danilo Fischetti
Giacomo Ferrari sets up the try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Giacomo Ferrari bursts through to advance the Zebre Parma attack.
This is dangerous for the defence as Simone Gesi bursts through to advance the Zebre Parma attack.
Penalty Goal - Missed Right
Giacomo Da Re takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
A gap opened in the defence and Scott Gregory took full advantage.
A gap opened in the defence and Malakai Fekitoa took full advantage.
Leonardo Marin comes on for Benetton Rugby.
Rhyno Smith leaves the field.
The defensive line has been broken as Tommaso Menoncello goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Tommaso Menoncello goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Rhyno Smith goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.