It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
JJ Hanrahan has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Connacht Rugby is finished off by Piers O'Conor
Spellbinding play by Paul Boyle is finished off with a try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Paul Boyle bursts through to advance the Connacht Rugby attack.
Connacht Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Jack Carty getting some game time.
Connacht Rugby decide to make a substitution, with Santiago Cordero being replaced.
Glasgow Warriors decide to make a substitution, with Grant Stewart getting some game time.
Glasgow Warriors decide to make a substitution, with Johnny Matthews being replaced.
A gap opened in the defence and Matthew Devine took full advantage.
Connacht Rugby sub Dylan Tierney-Martin comes onto the field.
Dave Heffernan departs for Connacht Rugby.
Connacht Rugby sub Oisin Dowling comes onto the field.
David O'Connor departs for Connacht Rugby.
Connacht Rugby sub Jordan Duggan comes onto the field.
Peter Dooley departs for Connacht Rugby.
Angus Fraser comes on for Glasgow Warriors.
Ally Miller leaves the field.
Finn Treacy comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Byron Ralston leaves the field.
Duncan Weir has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
A penetrating move by Glasgow Warriors results in a try for Sebastian Cancelliere.
What a run here by Sebastian Cancelliere as they get over the gainline!
Sam Illo comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Jack Aungier leaves the field.
Matthew Devine comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Caolin Blade leaves the field.
Paul Boyle comes on for Connacht Rugby.
Sean Jansen leaves the field.
Finlay Richardson comes off.
Patrick Schickerling comes off.
Penalty Goal - Hit Right Post
JJ Hanrahan was unlucky to have missed the penalty after the ball hit the right post.
Byron Ralston makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
JJ Hanrahan adds the two points for Connacht Rugby.
Incisive passing by Connacht Rugby is finished off by David Hawkshaw, as they goes over for the try.
Byron Ralston played a key part in that try.
Fabulous play by Connacht Rugby has led to David Hawkshaw being able to wriggle through a gap.
Connacht Rugby make a substitution with David O'Connor coming on.
Connacht Rugby make a substitution with Oisin Dowling coming off.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Connacht Rugby make a substitution with Oisin Dowling coming on.
Connacht Rugby make a substitution with David O'Connor coming off.
Fabulous play by Connacht Rugby has led to David Hawkshaw being able to wriggle through a gap.
Duncan Weir does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Silky skills by Glasgow Warriors ends with a try for Ben Afshar.
Alex Samuel sets up the try.
Trouble here as Alex Samuel breaches the defence.
Duncan Weir makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
A wonderful passing move by Glasgow Warriors is finished off by Sebastian Cancelliere
This is dangerous for the defence as Sebastian Cancelliere bursts through to advance the Glasgow Warriors attack.
That's a great try assist by Ollie Smith.
This is dangerous for the defence as Henco Venter bursts through to advance the Glasgow Warriors attack.
More power was needed in that conversion attempt by JJ Hanrahan as it drops short.
David Hawkshaw goes on their own for a try.
This is dangerous for the defence as David Hawkshaw bursts through to advance the Connacht Rugby attack.
Duncan Weir kicks the penalty.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.