It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Ross Byrne has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Leinster Rugby is finished off by Rob Russell
Ross Byrne played a key part in that try.
Tinus de Beer has kicked a conversion.
A series of passes by Cardiff Rugby results in a try for Ellis Bevan
That's a great try assist by Gabriel Hamer-Webb.
A gap opened in the defence and Gabriel Hamer-Webb took full advantage.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with Ivan Soroka coming on.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with Jack Boyle coming off.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with Rory McGuire coming on.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with Rabah Slimani coming off.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with Oliver Coffey coming on.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with Luke McGrath coming off.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Tinus de Beer coming on.
Cardiff Rugby make a substitution with Callum Sheedy coming off.
Cardiff Rugby sub Efan Daniel comes onto the field.
Liam Belcher departs for Cardiff Rugby.
Cardiff Rugby sub Seb Davies comes onto the field.
Ben Donnell departs for Cardiff Rugby.
Leinster Rugby sub Scott Penny comes onto the field.
Will Connors departs for Leinster Rugby.
Cardiff Rugby sub Regan Grace comes onto the field.
Harri Millard departs for Cardiff Rugby.
Cardiff Rugby sub Ellis Bevan comes onto the field.
Johan Mulder departs for Cardiff Rugby.
Cardiff Rugby sub Danny Southworth comes onto the field.
Rhys Barratt departs for Cardiff Rugby.
Leinster Rugby sub Rob Russell comes onto the field.
Tommy O'Brien departs for Leinster Rugby.
Callum Sheedy has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
A pinpoint kick has enabled Harri Millard to score the try.
What a run here by Harri Millard as they get over the gainline!
Cameron Winnett played a key part in that try.
Stephen Smyth comes on for Leinster Rugby.
John McKee leaves the field.
What a run here by Harri Millard as they get over the gainline!
What a run here by Gabriel Hamer-Webb as they get over the gainline!
The touch judges raise their flags as Ross Byrne kicks the conversion.
A penetrating move by Leinster Rugby results in a try for Charlie Tector.
What a run here by Charlie Tector as they get over the gainline!
That's a great try assist by Andrew Osborne.
What a run here by Andrew Osborne as they get over the gainline!
Cameron Winnett comes on.
Will Davies-King comes on.
Rhys Litterick comes off.
Danny Southworth comes off.
The touch judges raise their flags as Ross Byrne kicks the conversion.
Nothing was going to stop Luke McGrath from scoring as they record the try for Leinster Rugby.
Tommy O'Brien makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Ross Byrne adds the two points for Leinster Rugby.
The defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Max Deegan dots the ball down from close range.
Luke McGrath played a key part in that try.
Alex Mann (Cardiff Rugby) is shown a yellow card
Fabulous play by Leinster Rugby has led to Jimmy O'Brien being able to wriggle through a gap.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with RG Snyman coming on.
Leinster Rugby make a substitution with Diarmuid Mangan coming off.
The second half kicks off.
Cardiff Rugby sub Tinus de Beer comes onto the field.
Cameron Winnett departs for Cardiff Rugby.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Ross Byrne adds the two points for Leinster Rugby.
Incisive passing by Leinster Rugby is finished off by Jack Boyle, as they goes over for the try.
Fabulous play by Leinster Rugby has led to Jack Boyle being able to wriggle through a gap.
Luke McGrath played a key part in that try.
Fabulous play by Cardiff Rugby has led to Rey Lee-Lo being able to wriggle through a gap.
Alex Mann comes on for Cardiff Rugby.
Josh McNally leaves the field.
Callum Sheedy does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The pressure has finally told as Thomas Young scores from close range.
Callum Sheedy curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
A wonderful passing move by Cardiff Rugby is finished off by Harri Millard
Cameron Winnett sets up the try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Cameron Winnett bursts through to advance the Cardiff Rugby attack.
Ross Byrne converts the try.
Nobody could stop that maul! John McKee places the ball down for the try.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.