It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Cheetahs go for goal with Ethan Wentzel taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
A wonderful passing move by Cheetahs is finished off by Cohen Jasper
This is dangerous for the defence as Cohen Jasper bursts through to advance the Cheetahs attack.
Prince Nkabinde sets up the try.
Danilo Fischetti comes off.
Zebre Parma decide to make a substitution, with Luca Bigi getting some game time.
Zebre Parma decide to make a substitution, with Tommaso Di Bartolomeo being replaced.
Cheetahs decide to make a substitution, with Sisonke Vumazonke getting some game time.
Cheetahs decide to make a substitution, with Jeandre Rudolph being replaced.
Zebre Parma decide to make a substitution, with Scott Gregory getting some game time.
Zebre Parma decide to make a substitution, with Jacopo Trulla being replaced.
Penalty Goal - Dropped Short
The penalty goal is on its way from Thomas Dominguez but it runs out gas over the last few metres, falling short.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Juan Pitinari coming on.
Zebre Parma make a substitution with Muhamed Hasa coming off.
The defensive line has been broken as Munier Hartzenberg goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Luca Morisi goes through the gap.
Cheetahs sub Jandre Nel comes onto the field.
Ruben de Haas departs for Cheetahs.
Zebre Parma sub Bautista Stavile comes onto the field.
Samuele Locatelli departs for Zebre Parma.
Vernon Paulo comes on for Cheetahs.
Louis van der Westhuizen leaves the field.
Corne Fourie comes on for Cheetahs.
Hencus van Wyk leaves the field.
What a run here by Simone Gesi as they get over the gainline!
What a run here by Ethan Wentzel as they get over the gainline!
Pierre-Raymond Uys comes on.
Friedle Olivier comes off.
Laurence Victor comes on.
Aranos Coetzee comes off.
Thomas Dominguez adds the two points for Zebre Parma.
The Zebre Parma maul march their way over the white wash for Tommaso Di Bartolomeo to touch down.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Ethan Wentzel does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Incisive passing by Cheetahs is finished off by Jeandre Rudolph, as they goes over for the try.
Ethan Wentzel sets up the try.
Fabulous play by Cheetahs has led to Ethan Wentzel being able to wriggle through a gap.
The Zebre Parma supporters go wild as Thomas Dominguez successfully kicks the penalty goal.
The touch judges raise their flags as Ethan Wentzel kicks the penalty goal.
Trouble here as Ethan Wentzel breaches the defence.
Penalty Goal - Missed Left
The touch judges have waved away the attempt by Ethan Wentzel as they hook it left.
Thomas Dominguez curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
A wonderful passing move by Zebre Parma is finished off by Simone Gesi
That's a great try assist by Giovanni Licata.
This is dangerous for the defence as Giovanni Licata bursts through to advance the Zebre Parma attack.
Penalty Goal - Missed Right
Ethan Wentzel takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
This is dangerous for the defence as Fetuli Paea bursts through to advance the Zebre Parma attack.
Cheetahs make a substitution with Cohen Jasper coming on.
Cheetahs make a substitution with Michael Annies coming off.
A gap opened in the defence and Carel-Jan Coetzee took full advantage.
The defensive line has been broken as Giacomo Da Re goes through the gap.
Penalty Goal - Missed Left
Thomas Dominguez steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the left.
Ethan Wentzel has kicked a conversion.
A stunning solo try from Michael Annies
The defensive line has been broken as Michael Annies goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Jacopo Trulla goes through the gap.
Thomas Dominguez has kicked a penalty goal.
The defensive line has been broken as Simone Gesi goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.