
Rugby World Cup Sevens in a nutshell

rugby05 September 2022 12:03
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© Gallo Images

The long-awaited Rugby World Cup Sevens will start among wild cheers and a warehouse's worth of fireworks in Cape Town on Friday.

The tournament will feature 24 men's teams and 16 women's teams, with the action spread across three days in one of the rugby world's most beautiful settings.

It is the straight knock-out format of the competition that will appeal most to the average supporter. Yes, that's right, every single match that will be played right up to the final will be a knock-out.

In the men's draw we'll have 16 teams competing in the first round - with the winners qualifying through to the round of 16, where they will come up against the top eight seeded teams to determine the make-up of quarterfinals.

The women's competition starts off at the round of 16 stage and will then follow a similar path to the final as the men.

Cape Town has earned a reputation for being one of the craziest stops on the World Sevens circuit, and everyone is expecting more of the same fancy-dressed partying for days on end.

The African continent will be presented by South Africa, Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe in the men's competition, with South Africa and Madagascar also present among the women.

All games will be live on SS Rugby as well as the Grandstand channel.

Fixtures list men

Fixtures list women

TV transmission times - all times CAT

FRIDAY: from 8:30am. SS Rugby and Grandstand channels
SATURDAY: from 8am. SS Rugby and Grandstand channels
SUNDAY: from 8:15am. SS Rugby and Grandstand channels
